Mike Lindell Interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live / 01/31/23
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGlDEbZvwLI (9 Min, 30 sec)
Jimmy Kimmel Live Monologue with a long teaser / troll of the upcoming interview
Mike Lindell Interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live / 01/31/23
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGlDEbZvwLI (9 Min, 30 sec)
Jimmy Kimmel Live Monologue with a long teaser / troll of the upcoming interview
"To feign disorder, one must possess strict discipline. To feign cowardice, one must posses great courage. To feign weakness, one must possess great superiority. Order and disorder depend on organization and structure. Courage and cowardice depend on posture and circumstances. Strengths and weaknesses depend on formation and disposition of the army."
Sun Tsu - The Art of War - Chapter 5 Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China / 2013 / page 109