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Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
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This is all about copper..how important it is to have the right amount each day in your body. Indians used copper pans etc to make sure they got enough although this is not recommended now. If you supplement taking zinc and or absorbic acid for vit.c you deplete your copper and it's best to get both from food not supplements..this video tells you what to eat
I thought this was a worthy video.
Not sure why the downdoot.
It's someone suffering from cognitive dissonance about a link I posted who is very silly and now downvotes everything I put up..😄
Kind of flattering, isn't it? They're taking time out of their day just for you! Here's an updoot.
I understand these are very hard topics that some people find hard to accept..heck I didn't want to myself..but time is short..if electricity went out and internet gone..have you means to cope? These are things that need to be talked about now...while we still have a community and can help each other find solutions