Listening to the the morning news today there was a headline about a “fungal infection” outbreak in our area called Valley Fever. The claim is that this outbreak is being caused by “warming temperatures” and could “spread nationwide”. For any of you who have been watching the HBO miniseries called “The last of us”, the premise revolves around a global pandemic that is caused by a fungus due to global warming. You can’t make this shit up!
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I would call it viral marketing. If there’s a conspiracy with this particular issue, it’s that HBO or it’s parent company(s) are paying websites to push fearporn about a decades old fungal infection. It worked perfectly with you, you saw something on it, and connected it right to the show then mentioned the show, promoting it.
You can call it whatever the hell you want to call it. Others (including some on this thread) call it predictive programming.
You’re free to call every ad campaign/media on the planet predictive programming. I’d recommend using slightly more discernment, but to each their own.
Not me…. others on this thread mentioned predictive programming and I was just pointing it out. You should probably read others comments before making assumptions and coming across as a high brow intellectual asshole. And, given the number of deleted comments by the mods, you’re obviously a shill and perhaps this isn’t the board you should be following. I suggest