All About That Bass (4 min, 14 sec)
31 January 2023 / House Committee on Rules
Excerpts from the testimony of Representative Maxine Waters / Ranking Member of the Committee on Financial Services before the House Committee on Rules.
Listen to the linked timestamped video cuts for full exchange and comments.
Cut 1 watch from 31:50 to 40:25
Rep Waters:
"I'm a capitalist."
"I'm a capitalist."
"I'm not like Donald Trump."
"I want you to denounce Qanon." (timestamp)
Cut 2 watch from 1:17:06 to 1:18:40
Rep Waters:
"I'm a capitalist.
"I am not a socialist."
Cut 3 watch from 1:34:34 to 1:39:49
Rep Langworthy: "Do you agree with President Trump's comment in the 2019
.............................State of the Union that America will never be a socialist"
Rep Waters:
"Last year the debt fell by 1.7 billion dollars under Biden." (my sides...)
"Do you think that the PPP program was a socialist program?"
"Do you think that the money spent on small and minority businesses was socialist?"
"What do you call PPP?"
"And... do you know how many members of Congress, including a lot of Republicans, took PPP money?"
"Do you think that the PPP program is a socialist program?"
Rep Langworthy: "No."
Rep Waters: "That is why so many members of Congress accepted and took ......................PPP money for their businesses." (timestamp)
"Let's step into the Way Back Machine, Sherman..." (timestamp)
We don't need to go back as far as Dr. Peabody and Sherman.
Lets just go back to ...
23 January 2023
Chairman Comer, Oversight and Accountability Committee Letter to Director Office of Personnel and Management.
The Committee on Oversight and Accountability is conducting oversight of the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) failure to prevent waste, fraud and abuse in the Federal Employees Health Benefits program (FEHB). On January 9, 2023, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) revealed that FEHB is riddled with ineligible “participants” who are receiving benefits under the program.1 GAO estimates that “the program may be spending up to $1 billion per year on payments for ineligible members.”2 This is a flagrant waste of funds and may be driving up premium costs for eligible participants. The Committee seeks documents and information to understand how these improper payments were allowed to happen, and what OPM is doing to fix this problem moving forward.
25 January 2023
Rep Salazar (R) member of the House Committee on Financial Services, introduces a bill (with co-sponsers). The bill is referred to the House Committee on Rules and is taken up for debate and vote on 31 January 2023. The bill will be presented by the Chairman of the Committee on Financial Services Patrick McHenry (supported) and Ranking Member of the Committee on Financial Services Maxine Water will argue against the bill.
[Aside: Patrick McHenry... talk about killing two birds with one stone.]
31 January 2023
Ernst Calls Out Potential Federal Fraudsters for Double Dipping on the Dole While on the Unemployment Roll
The Iowa senator is asking the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee to identify every federal employee who wrongfully received unemployment payments, recover the money, and fire the employees.
WASHINGTON – Over the last few years, while Iowa business owners and working families faced economic uncertainty, federal employees were fortunate to have the reliability of a government paycheck. Despite this, tens of thousands of federal employees applied for and received financial aid intended for small businesses. In addition, thousands of active federal employees may have falsely claimed they lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic, in order to be paid twice by taxpayers.
31 January 2023
House Committee on Rules - debate and vote out of committee the concurrent resolution: Denouncing the horrors of socialism and resolution to remove Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign affairs committee.
Here is what the House Committee on Rules was considering, and what the House Financial Services Committee Chairman Patrick McHenry (R) and the Ranking Member (Maxine Waters - D) were testifying about. The resolution denouncing the horror of socialism originated in the Financial Services Committee, and then taken up in Committee on Rules for debate, vote, and passage on to the House Floor for introduction. To date, the resolution denouncing the horrors of socialism has not been debated and voted on by the full house.
Denouncing the horrors of socialism.
Whereas socialist ideology necessitates a concentration of power that has time and time again collapsed into Communist regimes, totalitarian rule, and brutal dictatorships;
Whereas socialism has repeatedly led to famine and mass murders, and the killing of over 100,000,000 people worldwide;
Whereas many of the greatest crimes in history were committed by socialist ideologues, including Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un, Daniel Ortega, Hugo Chavez, and Nicola ́s Maduro;
Whereas tens of millions died in the Bolshevik Revolution, at least 10,000,000 people were sent to the gulags in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and millions more starved in the Terror-Famine (Holodomor) in Ukraine;
Whereas between 15,000,000 and 55,000,000 people starved to death in the wake of famine and devastation caused by the Great Leap Forward in China;
Whereas the socialist experiment in Cambodia led to the killing fields in which over a million people were gruesomely murdered;
Whereas up to 3,500,000 people have starved in North Korea, dividing a land of freedom from a land of destitution;
Whereas the Castro regime in Cuba expropriated the land of Cuban farmers and the businesses of Cuban entrepreneurs, stealing their possessions and their livelihoods, and exiling millions with nothing but the clothes on their backs;
Whereas the implementation of socialism in Venezuela has turned a once-prosperous nation into a failed State with the world’s highest rate of inflation;
Whereas the author of the Declaration of Independence, President Thomas Jefferson, wrote, ‘‘To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it.’’;
Whereas the ‘‘Father of the Constitution’’, President James Madison, wrote that it ‘‘is not a just government, nor is property secure under it, where the property which a man has in his personal safety and personal liberty, is violated by arbitrary seizures of one class of citizens for the service of the rest’’; and
Whereas the United States of America was founded on the belief in the sanctity of the individual, to which the collectivistic system of socialism in all of its forms is fundamentally and necessarily opposed:
Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate
concurring), That Congress denounces socialism in all its
forms, and opposes the implementation of socialist policies
in the United States of America.
Here is a link to a post analyzing the resolution posted a few days ago:
PDF - Full resolution.
2nd resolution debated at the same hearing.
Here is video of the full hearing of the House Committee on Rules these subjects: (timestamp to start of meeting)
01 February 2023
House Judiciary Committee Business Meeting
Food fight over saying the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of hearings of the Judiciary Committee (timestamp to start)
01 February 2023
House Oversight and Accountability Meeting
Waste fraud and abuse in the administration of the PPP program during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Unemployment claims by federal workers for unemployment due to pandemic lock down who also worked from home an received a full government paycheck. (timestamp to start)
These are the dots...
Now, go back to the beginning of this comment and listen to Maxine Waters again.
Don't think anyone needs help connecting what dots are about to be connected.
Update, adding following debates from floor of House of Representatives today
02 February 2023
House Floor Debate / Resolution 9 / Denouncing horrors of socialism (1 Hr, 12 min)
House Floor Debate / Removing Rep Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee (1 Hr, 4 min)
But how is the stolen money ever recovered?
What did we learn via Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips in "2000 MULES"?
What did we learn via Mike Lindell and Dennis Montgomery about the 2020 China based (very carefully worded those last two) hack of the 2020 election?
Electronic marker in the Scorecard software embedded in the hacking program that flipped the votes, and that that specific version of the blue-dyed Scorecard source code had been turned over to the FBI - specifically James Baker.
All the money that was distributed under the PPP "loan" program went out as digital dollars.
Steven Mnuchin (6 min, 42 sec)
In addition to the above, which is the main point, when Pitt is walking down the hall, who else is there and what is he doing? (55 sec)
And as with all digital transactions, there will be digital records. Good thing it's a pretty easy fix... just move around some digital accounting notes and presto