Except that government doesn't rule us, we rule government. so, in effect, We the people, can over rule them on this, especially since it is government going 180 degrees against the very purpose of forming it in the first place.
Thailand did the same and then they put the kings daughter in a coma and he had the agreement ripped up on the grounds of them Bull shitting about side effects.
No reason why all countrys can't do this
You saying we couldn't to begin with? From the start they have been corrupt and misleading. No "contract" is above the law, not Rightfully.
We actually can't. A) because our government gave them carte blanche and B) you would need people to charge, try and rule against them.
Pfizer is a chonkers, so it will take some time to take them down for sure.
Except that government doesn't rule us, we rule government. so, in effect, We the people, can over rule them on this, especially since it is government going 180 degrees against the very purpose of forming it in the first place.
Thailand did the same and then they put the kings daughter in a coma and he had the agreement ripped up on the grounds of them Bull shitting about side effects. No reason why all countrys can't do this