It reminds me of when you bend a paper clip back and forth.
You bend it to the left and it weakens at the bend. Bend it back to the right, and it weakens more, then left, then right, until eventually it just sheers apart.
The stress causes fractures, and the metal just fails due to the opposing forces taking their toll.
Those liberal anti-corporate people of yesterday are the conservative anti-corporate people of today. They're constantly filtering us between the two parties, expecting some to radicalize one way and others to radicalize the other -- all in preparation for creating enough on each side to fuel a Civil War.
Trump broke that pendulum shift, and had planned on doing so for ages. That's why he was always the opposite party of the sitting president. He was always ready to swoop in and bring the pendulum back to its center before it broke the clock housing.
It reminds me of when you bend a paper clip back and forth.
You bend it to the left and it weakens at the bend. Bend it back to the right, and it weakens more, then left, then right, until eventually it just sheers apart.
The stress causes fractures, and the metal just fails due to the opposing forces taking their toll.
Those liberal anti-corporate people of yesterday are the conservative anti-corporate people of today. They're constantly filtering us between the two parties, expecting some to radicalize one way and others to radicalize the other -- all in preparation for creating enough on each side to fuel a Civil War.
Trump broke that pendulum shift, and had planned on doing so for ages. That's why he was always the opposite party of the sitting president. He was always ready to swoop in and bring the pendulum back to its center before it broke the clock housing.