Buckle in, it's time for a bland history lesson on our hidden benefactors and their origins.
Let's get this straight, Jews aren't Hebrew. What we know about Jewish culture and people likely have no direct connection to Abrahamic Judaism as we know it. If you've been keeping up with Clif High, you'll know what I'm talking about here.
I want to go more in depth with my own personal study on WHO it is we are actually talking about.
Khazaria and their Origins
Let's head back to the 650–965 AD era, which is the height of the Khazarian empire. The Khazars were a tribe who broke off of the remnants of the Babylonian Empire. They worshipped the Elements, most notably the Wind and their chief deity was the "Prince of Air."
It's important, however, not to interpret their worship in a strict literal sense. True, they worshipped the "Wind" but it's not as cut and dry as the movement of air. They worshipped Air in the figurative sense. Air is what is spoken among the people. Air is rumor, gossip, blackmail, popularity, sensationalism, slander, legal doctrine -- all those things which are bound to the spoken word. All those things which we account as remnants of the Universal Language spoken before the fall of their cherished Tower of Babel.
Therefore, when we say they worship the "Air" it's that they worship very much the same values we hold today in Hollywood and in Politics. They truly believe that the most vocal sentiment is the correct sentiment. Whoever can shout the loudest, spread the most rumors, and wield authority over others using the power of suggestion, manipulation, coercion and psychology is operating in the will of their deity, the Prince of Air.
Those are the foremost tenets of this cult, in addition to human sacrifice in both body and mind. It wasn't just cutting out hearts on an altar, but the subjugation of the mind by the influence of the "Air" which is nothing more than the power of the Lie. Their crown jewels were Banking, Money magic (usury) and Legal Entrapment (contracts, fraud and legalese).
This religion of theirs was called Vedism, and they love to hold grudges.
For a long time they held their own squeezed between Christians in the west, Jews in the south, Muslims in the east, and Mongol-Proto-Russians of the north in what we know as modern-day Ukraine (Crimea).
The Shattering
It came to a head, however, where the Khazarians had to choose a new religion such that they would be protected by one of the surrounding empires. Threatened by the Mongols of the north, they decided the best course of action is to adopt Judasim as their religion so they could afford protections from both the Christian Europeans and the Hebrews from the South as well as have the Mongol-Proto-Russians of the north ignore them.
It was at this point that two factions arose within the Khazarian Empire. Some did not want to forsake their gods and some decided to adopt the title of "Jew" while practice their Babylonian Death Cult in secrecy. The ones who did not wish to forsake their religion fled into both Europe and Southern Asia (and into India).
Those that went to Europe splintered even more and account for what we know today as Roma Gypsies and the more predominant "Ashkenazi Jew". Those that went south east, to Asia, founded Brahmanism and that eventually became Hinduism.
Those that stayed in Khazaria, living a double-life, founded the religion of the Yiddish Jew we know today, with the "13th Tribe" of Israel being the Khazarian Mafia.
Civil War
As time went on, these three factions struggled with their identity. Hostility grew between the cultures and the Khazarians were the most "successful" in a sense of maintaining their original religious practices. By operating in secret, hidden behind a charade of Judaism, they successfully established themselves as predators who preyed upon the Silk Road and trade between Asia and Europe. They became known as the "Namestealers" who would raid caravans, steal their identity after torture and manipulation, and then pretend to be the victim merchant -- seizing his assets and taking control of their properties.
The Brahmanism of the Southeast-Asian denomination eventually led to them completely losing their identity. Those that held fast to their Babylonian Death Cult identity eventually fled and filtered back into Europe as immigrants, also adopting the name "Ashkenazi" or palling up with the Roma Gypsies.
All these factions living in relative secrecy or seclusion, practicing their religion by sowing seeds of rumor, gossip, and blackmail among the leaders of European, Middle Eastern, and Asian royalty, eventually found themselves in seats of power of all major nations and religious institutions. With that power came tumultuous alliances and betrayals, as is the case with any mafias and mobs vying for territory as they run their rackets.
However, the minority of "true blood" Khazarian families looked upon the mixed-blood among the "Jewish" people; their petty squabbles and fighting amongst one another, and decided to consolidate their people by "culling the herd."
First they would cull the goyim -- the Anglo-Saxons of Europe and Russia (especially those filthy Mongol-Russians) This was done through their Bolshevik infiltrators.
Which brought us WW1 and preparations for a "One World Government" through Woodrow Wilson's actions.
Then the Khazarians decided to enact an ambitious plan. Their aim was to secure a state of perpetual victimhood such that none may ever seek to point fingers at them as instigators of national usurpation and benefactors of tyranny. They would use the "jewish" useful idiots they had cultured in order to excise the Ashkenazi among them and leave only the Khazarian Mafia as rulers of the world.
WW2 and the Spoils of War
They recruited a young man of mixed-Ashkenazi heritage we know now as Adolf Hitler.
His original name before it was changed to Adolf Hitler was Adolf Schickelgruber.
Which translates roughly to "Moneygrubber” or a bit more clunky “Fate-digger.”
Yeah, I shit you not...
His father Alois changed his name, and so too did little Adolf take on the Hitler name.
They get him into positions of power using their leverage on Germany and use the Weimar degeneracy as a platform for his ascent to a more "civilized" Germany. They let him cut off their Central Banks, and allow Germany to become a military power-house to fuel their grand cleansing plan. With all this, Hitler forms the "NAZI" party.
The "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte"
How do you get the "NAZI" out of that?
Well, you don't you get the NAZI out of the Ashkenazi. Hitler played the Ashkenazi in Europe who saw themselves as the true "13th Tribe" of Israel, the Aryans, and convinced them to claim the world. Little did his higher-up NAZI loyalists know, he was working for the Khazarians the entire time to hand them the world.
The Khazarians always play both sides...
The major goals of the war were to:
- Seize the Vatican, especially the Jesuit order, which they did through Mussolini.
- Destroy the Illuminati in France.
- Seize the Rosicrucian Order.
- Cull the "dirty" jews, especially the Ashkenazi.
- Subjugate the Polish people, who were the last remnants of their ancient rivals, the Mongol-Proto-Russians who call themselves "The White Guards."
- Turn the United States into a World Police to plunder and abuse as they see fit.
- Inject America through Operation Paper Clip with loyalist NAZIs.
Did I mention they love to hold grudges?
All these things did they accomplish and more...
Hitler likely was rewarded with a cushy villa in South America, and then they laid the foundations for the Cold War with the aim of crushing the spirit of Russia once and for all while furthering the Globalist Police state through propping up the United States.
JFK, of the Fitzgerald Family Mafia attempted to stop them, and he was put down.
Reagan was shot and possibly replaced, I'm personally fuzzy on the details there.
Bush (4th Reich) instigated 9/11 after "stealing" the election from Gore (they were supposed to hand off the Presidency between factions like the Coven in the movie Underworld.)
Barry Soetoro was used by the House of Saud (working in conjunction with Mossad and the Rothschilds) to punish the Bushes and seize the Patriot-Act surveillance apparatus.
The Clintons (Rockefellers) fought to get things back on the Rockefeller train with dismal results, though promised the Presidency as the Rockefellers have gone without for far too long.
And then that "bastard" Trump comes along and revives the JFK dream of a world without the Cabal right at 0-hour in their plan to reign in WW3 through U1 and Clinton turning against Russia and wiping them off the map with a nuclear detonation, war, a Pandemic, and possibly an alien invasion all at once -- enshrining the New World Order as the only means by which Humanity can overcome our squabbles and fight against the alien scum who threaten "Our Democracy."
Some genuinely compared him to Hitler because they saw him as an actual "Ashkenazi" NAZI -- fighting on behalf of the Ashkenazi's who desperately want revenge for WW2's campaign against them and teaming up with Orthodox Russians in order to strike back against the Khazarian Empire.
That's where things get really messy. We know Trump is working alongside Russia, though maybe not as much as the MSM wants us to believe with their 2016 Russia Russia Russia hoax. We know Trump is an heir to the JFK dream. We know he was recruited by Q to give America a fighting chance.
What we don't know is who is pulling their strings. Are they being led by someone in the shadows? That's hard to say, and is worth thinking about...
Anyways. That's what I've got so far. There's some finer points I can get into, but for the time being that's a good roadmap of who the Khazarian Mafia are, who the Ashkenazi's are, and their Vedic origins especially how they think and worship.
One thing I left out, perhaps for another time, is how they formed all the Secret Societies and subsequently lost and reclaimed them over the years as they struggled to gain power in the highest echelons and aristocracies of Europe and Asia.
Also, how Francis Bacon's work in Symbolism and Cryptography revolutionized their control apparatus...
But, again, that's for another time. I hope this, at least, was worth the read even if I probably have some things wrong. Again, it's a work in progress. This is my understanding after tons of research and pondering.
u/sleepydude this post deserves moar eyes & updoots. Plz don't be discouraged, I for one truly appreciate your well thought research/opinions shared here.
Had to say it.
C'mon anons... really? Never live in fear- only feeds [them]
It's fine. I've got a large number of threads just like this one which garnered nowhere near the attention this one has gotten.
If only one person sees it and keeps it in the back of their minds, I've made an impact. So long as people get to thinking, using their own noggins, I'm happy.
Besides, me just getting this stuff down is like a notes journal for me. Helps me consolidate all the info I gather from multiple sources.
Your work has always been excellent. I still stalk all your posts and threads (willing to bet I'm not the only one). Chances are good I always will at this point as the information and ideas are too intriguing to miss. I just don't normally comment.
The way you explain things either connects a lot of dots for me or clarifies concepts that were giving me trouble. I greatly suspect you have a far larger impact than you realize.