Born and bred in that neck of the woods. We're talking farm country with loads of RR crossings in the middle of nowhere. East Palestine, literally has main street with tracks running through it on both ends of a 1 mile street. There are 2 gas station there. One at each end of the main st. Heading out of town is another gas station with a double track system that has a nice curve to it. Must have gone down that road about a million times on my bike to head to WV mountains to ride.
Ohio hasn't kept up its RR system since the steel mills closed in the late 70's early 80's when steel was transported out of Youngstown, OH. There is also a ton of fraking for gas is that area surrounding East P. Due to all of this it wouldn't surprise me that this would happen there.
Also lots of underground mushroom farming goes on. I have been down there because a friend worked in it and would give me the compost once the mushrooms were harvested, it's the gold standard in that area for successful farming, gardening and crop production. Definitely some good shit!!
Born and bred in that neck of the woods. We're talking farm country with loads of RR crossings in the middle of nowhere. East Palestine, literally has main street with tracks running through it on both ends of a 1 mile street. There are 2 gas station there. One at each end of the main st. Heading out of town is another gas station with a double track system that has a nice curve to it. Must have gone down that road about a million times on my bike to head to WV mountains to ride.
Ohio hasn't kept up its RR system since the steel mills closed in the late 70's early 80's when steel was transported out of Youngstown, OH. There is also a ton of fraking for gas is that area surrounding East P. Due to all of this it wouldn't surprise me that this would happen there.
Also lots of underground mushroom farming goes on. I have been down there because a friend worked in it and would give me the compost once the mushrooms were harvested, it's the gold standard in that area for successful farming, gardening and crop production. Definitely some good shit!!
Blessings frens....