Most of the Illegals work for contract companies and they can layoff or hire as needed without making the news, but there's a lot more to it than that. There are HUGE savings on payroll taxes and benefits. So much so that a company employing Americans can't compete. Even contract companies that employ Americans can't compete, and that's with no benefits.
In My case, I'm on SS, but had to resume work in order to live decently after returning from abroad. I work as a security guard and we have no benefits except 1.5 pay over 40 hours and 1.5 pay working on the 6 national holidays, nothing for the holidays if you aren't working. Company still has payroll taxes.
Back to the illegals...
Most of them are in the same boat, No sick days, No vacation, No Holiday pay, No Insurance and often no overtime pay. However the savings run deeper for the corporations.
SS and Medicare is currently 7.65% to Employee and the Employer has to match.
FUTA (Federal Unemployment) is 6% of first 7,000 paid each employee. State Unemployment in Tn (Where I live) is .01%-to as high as 10% (1) 2.7% for New Employers on the first 7,000 (Varies each year) paid an employee for 2023, Fla rates (2)
Worker's Compensation averages .93% overall, but varies by state and how hazardous the job is. California at 1.45% is at or near the top for average. Look up your states info here.
Vacation time varies
Tax rates range from 0.01% to 2.3% for positive-rated employers and from 5% to 10% for negative-rated employers. Tennessee is the only state to determine experienced employer unemployment tax rates on a semiannual basis. The standard unemployment tax rate for new employers is 2.7% for fiscal year 2023
The Florida 2023 SUI tax rates are dated December 22, 2022. The minimum rate is 0.10% and the maximum rate is 5.4%, except that employers participating in the short-time compensation program may be subject to a maximum rate of 6.4%. New employers pay 2.7% in 2023.
Vacation-Sick leave Holidays: Insert your numbers here... Minimum at most jobs would be 40 Vacation, 48 Holiday, Sick Pay (0-48)
Corporations are starting to use more white collar workers that are illegals, so think about that before shrugging your shoulders. Also using illegals in the military might be right around the corner, they aren't going to be patriotic in all probability. California setting precedence by using Illegals as police.
Multinationals need to go, there's no benefit to the consumer. We have only had an illusion of a free market. Coke and Pepsi have huge chunks of their stocks owned by the same corporations. Blackrock, Citicorp, Vanguard, etc... They also own each other's stock.
A sole Proprietorship or Partnership are better type of companies
Most of the stocks are owned by everyday people, yet a select few people make the decisions. WEF has a list of partners that consists of hundreds of corporations. They have too much power. Some day I might add up the market cap of all these corporations just to see how many trillions they control. Apple and Microsoft 1st and 3rd total 5 trillion in market cap alone and are WEF, Interestingly Number 2 Saudi Aramco is not listed as a WEF member though several other Saudi companies are. Estimated World market cap is 91 Trillion. I'm interested in seeing how much of that is WEF controlled. Click on Partners on this page then all partners.
Every time an item changes hands the price goes up, and these people move everything through as many hands as possible. Parimutuel wagering works like that as well. You aren't betting against the house, and the house gets a cut every time the money passes through the window.