Salem witch trials and The Modern Practice of ‘Swimming’.
One might have thought that, after the last woman was burned to death as a witch in 1722, the suffering was over. Not so, for the practice of 'Swimming' was inflicted of many of those who were accused of Witchcraft after that date. Incredibly it exists today and is in full swing with the 'experts' and authorities accusing the unvax☠xed of a form of witchcraft.
Although the belief in trial by water can be traced back to the 3rd millenium BC, the official use of 'swimming' in English law dates back to King Athelstan (928-930), where trial by water, termed 'indicium aquae', was a general test for all crimes. It ceased to be an official Law in 1219 under Henry III's reforms. For the next 600 years it was popularly, but unofficially, supposed to be infallible in discovering the guilt of witches and those suspected of subscribing to the black arts. But, what was this "trial by water"?
It was believed that water rejected servants of the devil and that if a suspected person floated and refused to sink when placed in water it was proof of guilt.
The ordeal of 'swimming' was endorsed by James I of England, who stated in Daemonologie (1597):
"that God hath appointed ... that the water shall refuse to receive them in her bosome, that have shaken off them the sacred Water of Baptisme, and wilfully refused the benefite thereof."
It was believed that water rejected servants of the devil and that if a suspected person floated and refused to sink when placed in water it was proof of guilt.
The unvax☠xed are being blamed for the spread of SARS-CoV2 and the solution is to force all of them to take the clot shot. In other words, the unvax☠xed are evil doers because they float and the vax☠xed are innocent because they sink and are drowned. Do you see the parallel? It is the ultimate form of projecting.
See St. Anthony quote here
I watched a documentary about this once...