I didn’t have one when I got married.... but my husband did. I allowed myself to get sucked back in to the tube for a while.... but I’ve mostly escaped again! Now if I watch, it is usually a movie. I think I should start marketing for removal
I remember that Batman movie with Jim Carrey as the Riddler... at the time I felt like I was the only one that noticed the messaging about the TV being an intelligence sucker. I’m guessing you took note as well
I had limited access to TV growing up. I preferred being out in the woods anyway and I discovered skating and hardcore/metal when I was 13 and never really joined the " normal world". When I was 20 if I was at a party and a TV was on I would turn it off even if people were watching it and saw " we're at z party - let's party. Or something. Nos I try to limit my screen time on my phones even though sometimes I fail and watch videos on Rumble all day. I think I kind of knew TV was Lizard People propaganda .
How sheltered were you that you could actually think that big of an overt theme would be lost on everyone but you. Unless you're just talking hyperbolically, in which case haha my bad. Can you imagine? But if not, I don't mean to be rude. It's just amazing is all. My Asperger's must be acting up. Lol. Anyway, carry on. I meant no harm
What is this TV you speak of?
I didn’t have one when I got married.... but my husband did. I allowed myself to get sucked back in to the tube for a while.... but I’ve mostly escaped again! Now if I watch, it is usually a movie. I think I should start marketing for removal
When I did have a TV I hooked it up to my laptop and watched YouTube etc on there. Theenergons coming from the TV give you brain AIDS
I remember that Batman movie with Jim Carrey as the Riddler... at the time I felt like I was the only one that noticed the messaging about the TV being an intelligence sucker. I’m guessing you took note as well
I had limited access to TV growing up. I preferred being out in the woods anyway and I discovered skating and hardcore/metal when I was 13 and never really joined the " normal world". When I was 20 if I was at a party and a TV was on I would turn it off even if people were watching it and saw " we're at z party - let's party. Or something. Nos I try to limit my screen time on my phones even though sometimes I fail and watch videos on Rumble all day. I think I kind of knew TV was Lizard People propaganda .
How sheltered were you that you could actually think that big of an overt theme would be lost on everyone but you. Unless you're just talking hyperbolically, in which case haha my bad. Can you imagine? But if not, I don't mean to be rude. It's just amazing is all. My Asperger's must be acting up. Lol. Anyway, carry on. I meant no harm