since I'm sober now everything is much more mellow and smooth sailing. I get really rowdy on booze and like to get into punch ups and dangerous situations
Train hopping is gnarley if you don't have 3 points of contact... I guess the road itself is hazardous - cars going by 60mph.. people on their phones. I have faith though. There have been some hairy times. Guns pointed at me, close calls with trucks blasting by, tornados, I was in Florida for Hurricane Nicole - stayed under the I-10 and was fine. Almost hit by lightning a few times , like arm hair standing up close, coyotes aren't dangerous but in the woods at night they are fuckjng scary at first. Ok - was in wilderness Wyoming tripping on LSD and a MOUNTAIN LION came to visit. Shot at her with a BB pistol, she left then came back .... I got out of there. Didn't see her but heard the tail swish in the grass like when a cat is about to pounce and felt like Dracula was eyeballing me. THAT was the most scared I've ever been out in it.
An amazing life- I’d love to learn more. Any major concerns for safety?
since I'm sober now everything is much more mellow and smooth sailing. I get really rowdy on booze and like to get into punch ups and dangerous situations
Train hopping is gnarley if you don't have 3 points of contact... I guess the road itself is hazardous - cars going by 60mph.. people on their phones. I have faith though. There have been some hairy times. Guns pointed at me, close calls with trucks blasting by, tornados, I was in Florida for Hurricane Nicole - stayed under the I-10 and was fine. Almost hit by lightning a few times , like arm hair standing up close, coyotes aren't dangerous but in the woods at night they are fuckjng scary at first. Ok - was in wilderness Wyoming tripping on LSD and a MOUNTAIN LION came to visit. Shot at her with a BB pistol, she left then came back .... I got out of there. Didn't see her but heard the tail swish in the grass like when a cat is about to pounce and felt like Dracula was eyeballing me. THAT was the most scared I've ever been out in it.
Wow! I’m sure it isn’t easy what you’re doing... but it sounds like it gives your soul some peace. We all need that. Blessings to you on your path.
Thank you. I have issues with rage and anger and living outside the matrix really helps. GOD BLESS!