capital "A" sticks out to me.... Any drops come to mind? Edit: posts 995 and 988 both talk about april having habbenings and/or arrests from just a quick search of [A]
Any time! There's only a few posts with [A] in it... I'll drop the link here and let others decide for themselves... Maybe we can get some expert miners on the case! looking at u/sempersupra kek.
capital "A" sticks out to me.... Any drops come to mind? Edit: posts 995 and 988 both talk about april having habbenings and/or arrests from just a quick search of [A]
thanks fren
Any time! There's only a few posts with [A] in it... I'll drop the link here and let others decide for themselves... Maybe we can get some expert miners on the case! looking at u/sempersupra kek.
He capitalized all words.