Isn't it interesting that in our "society", you work for all of your most capable years? During the most creative times of the day? You retire (if you're able to) you enjoy life at an age that you can't actually enjoy things you ve always wanted to enjoy because your body is breaking down. To leave you feeling worn out by the time you get backto your family. How you're punished for being poor. We trade our time, for money, to buy bargain basement Chinese bullshit, to later buy a different version of things you have to keep up with the joneses? How money fractures relationships.
It's not to much of a stretch to think that there's negative-energy feeders out there lol
Also why Anon Theatre?
If you watch movie (spoiler alert), premise is aliens harvest humans for indefinite life extension.
Isn't it interesting that in our "society", you work for all of your most capable years? During the most creative times of the day? You retire (if you're able to) you enjoy life at an age that you can't actually enjoy things you ve always wanted to enjoy because your body is breaking down. To leave you feeling worn out by the time you get backto your family. How you're punished for being poor. We trade our time, for money, to buy bargain basement Chinese bullshit, to later buy a different version of things you have to keep up with the joneses? How money fractures relationships.
It's not to much of a stretch to think that there's negative-energy feeders out there lol
Wasn’t there also a Simpson joke about Mr.Burns feeding off of the unhappiness of Springfield?