A mod's life is full of difficult judgement calls. Did we make the right decision with that one post? Were we too harsh, perma-banning that one troll? Here's a real quandary... Did we go too far, perma-banning u/Blind-fury? I will happily allow him back if you guys want him! Thoughts?

This is a hard one on account of these types being really annoying and lowering the level of discourse on the site.
The plea for reinstatement, however, is some kind of idiot-savant / gutter-trash/ "working with Mercury" / heavy retardation / high-art /consummate brilliance come lippy red-headed-stepchild amalgam that strikes one with it's Tar-dis like qualities.
More than the sum of it's parts and yet somehow concurrently less as well.
Dust off the Quantum computer.
(tl/dr :- I was no use to you.....don't read this)