Catholic School Boy Who Was Kicked Out of School for Saying There Are Only Two Genders Is Arrested
The Catholic Schoolboy who spoke out against transgenders in the school’s women’s bathrooms and who shared that there are only two genders has been arrested. On Sunday TGP reported on a high school student in a Catholic school in Canada who was suspended ...
There are only two sexes. They distorted the term gender (which applies to modifiers in language, not biology!) to distort the reality of SEX as a biological determinant. I was against this language manipulation using gender decades ago.
This is all smoke and mirrors, abuse of language and reality.
Just say: there are only two SEXES, and gender is used in in some languages (but not English!) to distinguish between m f n nouns and etc. and has nothing to do with biology.
One is determined and fixed, the other is fluid and arbitrary. Which is more useful to those trying to destroy a society?
Yes, arbitrary describes it!
The sad thing is how successful this manipulation has been. So successful that many here at GAW have totally bought into the particular word gender. They cite dictionary references to me, not realizing how much, and how easily on-line dictionaries have been changed.
exactly; they need to get an older hard-bound dictionary.
Gender was always applied to language, not people..