Anons I’m stickying this article just for y’all to take a read of it. X22Report always has great intel/info programs, and guests. But this article on the Main Page-starting is a worthy read into our fundamental America driving politics and media, losing its sight on our foundations and of God.
I hope you enjoy and discuss. God bless you all Anons, for Where We Go One We Go All, together.
From the article -- "... Something else we’ve learned is that credibility gap on social media between someone with tens of thousands of followers and someone with 7 followers sitting at his/her kitchen table is paper thin. Nothing is more deadly to research than the illusion of popularity. ..."
Wise words. I know of at least one individual here who scorns anons who haven't collected an "acceptable" number of upvotes, snidely and repeatedly remarks how those "inferior" anons "aren't pulling their weight" and other such petty slander. So I like this article writer's intelligent and mature mindset of focusing on what's important. Like God first, family, country.
While this sounds like an introduction to a vast topic, it's intimidating thinking of how far so many have strayed from God and from what's important in life. Various people over the years have tried to highlight this issue in various ways and with varying amounts of intensity. How can we (the larger picture of we as the masses) get back to God? How can we make some people understand the illusory nature of the brief "high" their ego gets from feeling others are "beneath" them? Worthiness in the eyes of God is having faith. Perhaps if these people got to know God and realized how valuable they are to Him they would have so much of what they feel is missing from their lives. I could go on (and on and on and...), but just my two cents.
Worthy 2-cents Anon. God bless them and you too.
yep, and he also mentioned 1 Corintians 3:19 "The Wisdom of this World is Foolishness to God".
That is an eye opener.
That was my favorite part... powerful. 🙌