The excuses made are endless. "It was colonialism!" "It was the lack of colonialism!" "It was neglect!" "It was interference!"
Culture is downstream from race. Period. If the populations of Haiti and Japan were swapped, in 20 years Haiti would be a high tech manufacturing powerhouse with bullet trains. And Japan, well, it would be the capital of dirt cookies.
Hur dur democrats are the real racists!
Did democrats make Africa a shithole?
Are they responsible for Haiti?
The excuses made are endless. "It was colonialism!" "It was the lack of colonialism!" "It was neglect!" "It was interference!"
Culture is downstream from race. Period. If the populations of Haiti and Japan were swapped, in 20 years Haiti would be a high tech manufacturing powerhouse with bullet trains. And Japan, well, it would be the capital of dirt cookies.