But wood chips are acidic! Kidding aside, the decomposition of the wood chips will provide all the nourishment and minerals to produce healthy and hardy produce. Before I used wood chips I bought Glacial dust to mix in with the soil. With the wood chips it wasn't needed. I produced more than my family could eat. The problem with northern gardens is that when the harvest comes in, you better be prepared to either it eat or preserve it. Too many times I ended up giving away veggies to the neighbors. That's fine for doing that once or twice, but as they say, there is no free lunch.
But wood chips are acidic! Kidding aside, the decomposition of the wood chips will provide all the nourishment and minerals to produce healthy and hardy produce. Before I used wood chips I bought Glacial dust to mix in with the soil. With the wood chips it wasn't needed. I produced more than my family could eat. The problem with northern gardens is that when the harvest comes in, you better be prepared to either it eat or preserve it. Too many times I ended up giving away veggies to the neighbors. That's fine for doing that once or twice, but as they say, there is no free lunch.