Is anyone else seeing this?
🧐 Help Wanted 🤔
Just went and got my anual check up at the VA. My doctor wants me to see a Cardiologists to get my ticker checked out. They called me today and told me that 3 or 4 doctors (can't remember) that they have are booked out 4 months and they are not accepting new patients. I am being offered an oportunity to go out into the open market to get the testing I need done. Am I being overly sensitive to the Vax causing issues with active duty people? I'm not sure what to think.
They VA is Way behind on work. They required the jab and a lot of people quit so everything is backed up. Got medicare this last year and want nothing more to do with VA. There incompetence is horrific. I had a client lose his leg over a crack on his very dry heel!! Don't think, ACT. Call around for a cardio doc that will take you and then call Community Care directly with that info. Community care here is down about 40 employees, but make sure YOU are the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. The VA is NOT NOT NOT short of $$. They are right now spending about $7B to upgrade their computer system! If you go out on your own, make sure you have it in writing that they will pick up the tab otherwise.......No verbal bs.... in writing. Learn how to work the system which mainly means stay on top of things, you don't need to get angry and pissy with them, just firm and advocate for yourself. You deserve it. You served! And don't you hate it when they say,"thanks for your service"? Bugs the hell out of me! Like they really mean it. / s