But remember the Japanese reporter a few weeks ago in Davo’s shows how this loser had to publicly cuck himself when he NPC-asked ‘what media are you with?’
She answered independent. He laughed her off in relief.
Never seemed smart to me, more like a poorly propped up “toppawn” who has to answer to the fledgling satanic media his masters own and is conditioned to do as he is told.
Nazi faggot,that turned in jews to be sent to the camps. And has been stealing money with both hands since then.
Same with George Soros. They are in one big club.
But remember the Japanese reporter a few weeks ago in Davo’s shows how this loser had to publicly cuck himself when he NPC-asked ‘what media are you with?’
She answered independent. He laughed her off in relief. Never seemed smart to me, more like a poorly propped up “toppawn” who has to answer to the fledgling satanic media his masters own and is conditioned to do as he is told.
Very interesting, thanks for posting. The question is: who is lining up to replace the current WEFfers?