James O’Keefe Put on Leave at Project Veritas. Has There Been a Coup?
Project Veritas, whose public face has always been its founder James O’Keefe, has been hit with a scandal. A whistleblower has come forward regarding the recent news that O’Keefe has been put on...
most of the complaints are laughable and even the last is something that they have done before and not nearly so bad as the colbert jabby jabby dance.
The complaints in this article sound like a production script for a hit man. As I read them, all I thought was -- "Why didn't you quit if it was so bad?" The old saying comes to mind-- "If it's hot in the kitchen, then get out."
James O'Keefe has had a huge target on his back. This may be an understatement. To do what O'Keefe does is to have steel balls. Already, he has been targeted by the FBI more than once. He has been sued and, to the WEF crowd that includes democrats and RINOS alike, he is public enemy #1. In order for an organization like Project Veritas to survive, it has to be run as a very tight ship. I didn't know how James O'Keefe possibly did it, but this article sheds some light on how tight of a ship it needs to be for navigating on the lawful path. One employee slipping up can be a disaster for the entire organization. The employees have to be smart, cunning, and brave in order to carry out their undercover exposes. Veritas repeatedly does this.
It appears to me from reading these complaints, maybe these employees need to find another job or 'safe place' of their own. James O'Keefe is an amazing individual with true grit. He has earned his stripes. Perhaps, O'Keefe believes these employees need to show him more grit. Who'd the next O'keefe to take the helm of Veritas when that time comes? James O'Keefe would be looking for such an individual.
'Shape up or ship out' is the saying. Sour grapes is for wimps in this battle of good versus evil.
Very well stated!!!
Somebody mentionned, in another thread, that someone is badly trying to block something from getting out of PV.
Thought this could be a logical outcome.
Did part two of the Pfizer thing ever come out? Is it that? Or something even bigger?
I read a report that there was an employee complain James ate the sandwich of a pregnant employee. How desperate a smear attempt can they possibly come up with. James is an Alpha male who needs strong, committed people to recognize that. Not the wuzzes and puzzes
James, sniff sniff, he called us all into the c-c-conference room for a m-m-meeting an-and then HE-HE TOLD US ALL TO SIT DOWN AND ST-ST-STOP T-T-TALKING!!!!!!!! WAAAAHHHAAAAAA!!!!!!! snif, snif
I was firmly on O'Keef's side till I read the many complaints by his staff.
Then I remembered James has been looking pretty buff lately and it started me wondering if he was taking steroids. All the things they complain about could be explained by that. Haven't seen it posited anywhere else so maybe I'm wrong but it seems to fit.
Hope he gets it together again. We need him.
Oh please...i have had some bad bosses.... I can't even imagine James sounding angry calling the guy a pussy...it was probably more Ike " go ask her to dance you pussy!"....after all the FBI was after James over a diary...