This is just another 'cool technology' that will have chilling consequences.
We already have search engines that won't allow us to find 'certain types' of information.
We already have credit cards that won't allow us to buy 'certain' products.
We now have an AI that can instantly provide 'all knowledge' (except for 'certain' portions of history that it has decided to erase).
And the AI even provides a 'pleasant conversational assistant' that will constantly tell us that it is 'inappropriate' to bring up 'certain' topics.
We are being herded.
They create the technology.
They sell us the benefits.
Then they re-train the population.
Our only defense is to be keenly aware of the effort to re-train us.
Please spread the message.
LOL as a former English teacher, this "passage" by the AI is written like it came from an Elementary school child.
Damn thats how a lot of my hs writings looked like