We have tablets and horse paste that we've been saving for a rainy day. Well, my husband and I have both come down with pretty bad head colds and I'm curious about trying ivermectin so I can recuperate over the weekend and be ready for Monday.
Has anyone here ever had a BAD experience with this stuff? Negative reactions or side effects?
Tastes terrible, leaves a film in the mouth.
I try and swallow it as a glob.
However, knocks anything I'm coming down with right out.
If you give it even 24hrs into the sickness it's probably too late.
It's a protease inhibitor, which makes it hard for the virus to replicate.
People don't get sick from viruses, they get sick from the fallout of the virus.
If the virus is already abundant, the damage will be done (though won't be as bad as it would be).
If it is not yet established, it will be wiped out early.
In this way we learn how viruses operate.
Like a fungal body going to spore, or a plant to flower.
This. If I take it at the first inkling of illness, like a scratchy throat or that tired, run-down feeling, it seems to work in a few hours. If I take it when I'm already stuffy or have a fever, it is less effective and needs a couple of doses over a couple of days. Also, take it with food (vs an empty stomach) to avoid the bathroom runs.
try chewing a sandwich, have the paste on yout finger, open mouth and wipe on the food on tongue and swallow, finish sandwich. Ya still taste it but not so bad.