We have tablets and horse paste that we've been saving for a rainy day. Well, my husband and I have both come down with pretty bad head colds and I'm curious about trying ivermectin so I can recuperate over the weekend and be ready for Monday.
Has anyone here ever had a BAD experience with this stuff? Negative reactions or side effects?
Eye doctor here: to get a prescription for regular use of HCQ, PCPs send to me for an initial screening baseline OCT of the macula. If taken at the right mg/kg/day it’s very little risk. 5 years after being on HCQ every single day is when the patients have to start seeing me yearly for the potential of bullseye maculopathy detected on OCT which is blinding and I have only seen once in 4 years.
Good to know. My HCQ is 200mg and I take it only when I feel something coming on. What is great about it is that whenever I do take it I not only start to feel better I start to feel great. The longest I was on it was one a day for about a week. Thank you again for the info.