Want to know the fun part I missed out. The very same Gordon MacDonald, who disagreed with the Tectonic Plates and later envisioned shooting high frequency rays to mass mind control, was also involved in, wait for this:
I proposed at the time that
the federal government establish a new agency whose task
was to promote and foster research and development in
environmental prediction and modification—not just of the
atmosphere, but also the oceans and the solid earth.
After quitting the study of geophysics, he went on to do policy work on freaking Weather Modification and Climate Change, and wait for it ...
Two of the principal accomplishments of this period were the passage
of NEPA—the National Environmental Policy Act—and the
establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency. This
turned out be the most important work I did in the political domain
Want to know the fun part I missed out. The very same Gordon MacDonald, who disagreed with the Tectonic Plates and later envisioned shooting high frequency rays to mass mind control, was also involved in, wait for this:
After quitting the study of geophysics, he went on to do policy work on freaking Weather Modification and Climate Change, and wait for it ...
He was key in establishing the freaking EPA!!!
That's Crazy!
Nice dig Bubbles. Those are some tasty crumbs.