173 Decoding Symbolism fresh off the press! “Doors of Perception” including The Doors, Somy, Snowden, Monsters Inc,, Rockefeller/Rocky and more. (decodingsymbols.wordpress.com) posted 2 years ago by MAGAftwftp 2 years ago by MAGAftwftp +175 / -2 Doors of Perception The symbol of a "Door" is one of access to another place. There is a famous band with the same name and they got their name from a book about taking LSD. 1954 Doors of Perception: LSD Book 1954 Operation Midnight Climax: LSD surveillance using prostitutes ... 38 comments share 38 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Comms are off the charts these days. Anybody see there are more new moons, a green comet and a piece of the sun broke off?
I did! When my wife was reading the news I thought she was trolling!
My guess, they are setting up the narrative that some "aliens" just took off from sun and will be showing up here ...