173 Decoding Symbolism fresh off the press! “Doors of Perception” including The Doors, Somy, Snowden, Monsters Inc,, Rockefeller/Rocky and more. (decodingsymbols.wordpress.com) posted 2 years ago by MAGAftwftp 2 years ago by MAGAftwftp +175 / -2 Doors of Perception The symbol of a "Door" is one of access to another place. There is a famous band with the same name and they got their name from a book about taking LSD. 1954 Doors of Perception: LSD Book 1954 Operation Midnight Climax: LSD surveillance using prostitutes ... 38 comments share 38 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Neither of which were true. Kesey was on a humongous power trip and Leary was a fucking idiot who used acid for sex orgies with his students. Both were playing God.