For those who missed this January 2023 video. According to Kyle Kemper, who is the half-brother of Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Justin is a pawn of the foreign World Economic Forum (WEF) and other foreign groups. Kyle claims that Justin does not write his own speeches or tweets. But instead performs scripts written for him by foreign groups. He also adds that foreign groups may have compromising material on Justin.
Watch Kyle's short 3 minutes video at:
Child-Porn and Pedophilia Charges
In this same video above by The People's Voice, starting at around 6 minutes, they show photos and news about Christopher Charles Ingvaldson. An alleged close and long term friend of Justin Trudeau. Who was ARRESTED for CHILD-PORN and PEDOPHILIA charges.
Then, in their same video, around 8 minutes, there are two suspicious coincidence-murders.
I do not support those "guilty by association" claims above. While at the same time, I find that those coincidences are interesting to know.
Read more about Christopher Charles Ingvaldson:
Kyle Kemper
The name of Justin Trudeau, Canada Prime Minister, half-brother is Kyle Kemper
2019 photo of Kyle Kemper (right) and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (left) in Montréal, Canada at:
Hilarious Memes
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It is how the whole world is run. They don't seem to have the goods on #45, hence the extreme hate from all directions.
"the reason the establishment hates Trump, is because he hasn't been initiated into their secret society." ~ Newt Gingrich