We all know what the next plan is, it's a fake invasion to scare the masses into smaller cages. They're already conditioning us that the Aliens are the enemy. First they shoot down a "Chinese" or "Putin" air balloon that's over the country... first it confirms that the people are in danger, and also confirming that anything foreign over the country is a threat and should be killed. The CIA has already implanted that in the mind: anything above that's foreign is the enemy through constant bombardment in the media news cycle. Now we have the actual government telling citizens that the military is shooting down UFOS over Alaska and Canada. Don't you find all of this too coincidental? First it was news that a Chinese balloon was over American airspace, the next day they're saying Biden had a UFO shot down in Alaska... this is psychological programming at its finest, if it wasnt a psychological operation, the media (government mouthpiece) wouldn't be saying ANYTHING about them blowing up UFOs in American airspace.. but all of a sudden, now they are telling us everything? This UFO over Alaska and the Chinese balloon is just psychological programming 1) to put people in fear 2) to demonize aliens.
I don't know what the endgame is but it may be 1) a fake alien invasion using the military to drive a fleet of UFOs over the skies of America, the mainstream media will blow it up as the most significant event in human history and then will claim aliens are killing people and a fake war will ensue.. setting the most unprecedented fear campaign in human history that will be faked by the government. The United Nations will ask for immediate and full control of all governments, all governments either willingly (they already know it's fake) or unwillingly will comply, thus a one world government is formed. or 2) a REAL alien "invasion" from aliens that want to help the planet and the human race from evil aliens that have control of every government in the world: reptilians (creatures who have been around for centuries, who are evil entities that want to kill off the human race for their own benefit).
All of these news pieces are obvious that it's a new CIA government psyops campaign to get people scared, to condition the public that it's a threat (like global warming, pandemic, etc) that new initiatives must be brought into place to further the new world order agenda. We will hear more about UFO shoot-downs, UFO footage, and etc until they pull an operation Blue Beam and start to really scare the shit out of people for more lockdowns, more shackles, and more surveillance.
This is all coming to hide deaths from the covid vaccines, to hide the fact that they're imploding the economy, to hide the fact that corporations are in full control and that we're moving into a new world order.
Pandemic was a test for lockdowns, climate change lockdowns and alien invasion lockdowns.. They just want to lock you down, take away your freedom, take away the sun and your health, everything to stuff you into a tiny trackable package and shorten your lifespan, to literally suck the life out of mankind. I believe we already have been invaded, and these inhuman reptiles are in full control and are terraforming the world for their benefit... they're sick of living underground, it's time that they come out in the open in spite of mankind.
I say reptilian because I don't think a human would ever be the brainchild of chem dumping our skies, shoving poison vaccines into every arm, trying to track and control all humans, literally blotting the life giving sun out and destroying our food and water... it's not a human in control, it's a cold blooded monster. They've been here for centuries, the Merovingians and Knights Templar knew all about these things and kept the secret all these years.. the secret is hidden by the Vatican, the Masons, the Illuminati.
Now that AI and quantum computing is coming in full control, they can kill 90% of the human race.. keep the subservient engineer class humans and keep the human ruling elite.. terraform the world to the climate they desire and have ultimate control of their cattle through their quantum computing AI systems.
Who’ll probably have a love of small mustaches, German Culture from the middle of the 20th century and an obsession with Eugenics.