Interestingly there's nothing in that incredibly long article that related any of the legal issues they prattle about to the actual train crash. There was a burning axle box apparently, which was ordered to be ignored by administration. Brakes don't help when the bosses override the engineers. The engineers didn't disobey the orders. Then, instead of doing safe cleanup, the administration again overrides normal safety and environmental concerns and does the cheapest, most harmful thing they can. And the media covers for them, on order from the deep state.
The article is trying to point fingers at everyone involved, without evidence.
Interestingly there's nothing in that incredibly long article that related any of the legal issues they prattle about to the actual train crash. There was a burning axle box apparently, which was ordered to be ignored by administration. Brakes don't help when the bosses override the engineers. The engineers didn't disobey the orders. Then, instead of doing safe cleanup, the administration again overrides normal safety and environmental concerns and does the cheapest, most harmful thing they can. And the media covers for them, on order from the deep state.
The article is trying to point fingers at everyone involved, without evidence.