posted ago by Christine_grab ago by Christine_grab +20 / -0

Article: https://openthebooks.substack.com/p/newsom-inc

This scheme where they personally profit on the corruption our children -- on the taxpayer's dime -- makes me so mad! From the article cited:

"...Gavin Newsom created The Office of First Partner so his wife could promote her policy agenda using taxpayer money. Since 2019, Siebel Newsom’s been armed with nearly $5 million and nine staffers within her subdivision of the governor’s office...

...Loretta Whitson, Director of the California Association of School Counsellors, a trade association representing 3,000 California school counselors, was quoted:

'While the governor’s recent investment will add additional school counselors to the workforce, there will be an even greater need to access films and curriculum support material such as Siebel Newsom’s documentary series. (We) would love to work with her and support her efforts.' (Source: EdSource)"

What films is she taking about? Please see the article about Siebel Newsom's pornographic films that are being shown to middle-schoolers around the country: https://openthebooks.substack.com/p/newsom-twosome-siebel-newsoms-films