We are going to show you a new world.
Those who are blind will soon see the light.
A beautiful brave new world lies ahead.
We take this journey together.
One step at a time.
The Conundrum - Which Information is Real?
Went to visit the doc today with my significant other (re: wife) and we were talking on the way back.
Thankfully, she and I have been (by and large) on the same page since she and I started red-pilling in 2015. Curiously enough, our red pilling was individual and separate and we didn't talk to each other about it. I was sweating it a bit, because like, "what if she doesn't get this? That's gonna make things tough. These things are really critical...." etc.
So after about 5 months of red pilling, etc, I said, let's go grab a coffee, and was stunned to learn that she was by and large in the same space. Not as much into research as I, so not quite as informed, but in terms of interpreting what is/was going, same-page-a-mundo!
Suffice it to say that she's fairly based, and usually has the right take on things. On the other hand, she's not quite as analytical as I, or as research oriented, so she also falls a bit for the rumour mill and fake truthers who inject a certain amount of sensationalist garbage in to the mix of things.
Anyway, today, driving home, talking about the Yufos and balloons and stuff, I mentioned how all the yufo stuff really has the hallmarks of psyop territory. "what's a psyop?" she asks, coz her firstly language isn't English. I explained the idea about intel agencies, and what psyops are, and what they attempt to do, etc.
She nods in agreement as she gets it. And then she says;
"These days, I just don't know WHAT to believe. It's like we cannot trust any of the information out there. You just cannot know."
Lens For Engaging With The Information Battleground
"You just cannot know what information is real." That chimes with me, and when she said that, it provided a really neat segue into something I've recently found to be quite powerful in terms of helping me approach the craziness of the infowar battlefield.
I have to give big kudos to Burning Bright, from whose podcasts I have essentially drawn the following paradigm:
Two Types of Events - REAL and NARRATIVE
There are two types of events. REAL events and NARRATIVE events. A lot of the time we cannot even know what the real events are. "Z happened in Russia", "X happened in Ukraine", "Y happened in Turkey", "Epstein is dead". All we have to go on, often, are reports that come into the infosphere via institutions like the govt, or spokespeople, or the corporate media complex. In all those cases, they could be embellishing the facts, adding fake details, or even just plain making things up. Without alt media and citizen journalism, we'd literally have no way of knowing, and even then, there are limitations from those sauces to.
How many ufo-type balloony things are being shot down? How do we know? What is the REAL event? Very hard to know.
But what we can know and directly observe are the NARRATIVE events. The stories that are being put out there, the narratives that are being created by those stories. "Sleepy Joe did X", "DJT posted about P being a scumbag", "The corp media is reporting that 10,000 ukrainians were killed in Russia yesterday", "Canada shot down their own yufo three days ago". Etc. Etc. Etc.
In being reported, all these reports become narrative events, and whether they really happened or not, they emerge out there in the narrative space and have some sort of impact or effect.
To gage the effects of narrative events, we want to be asking questions: who is creating the narrative? What are the impacts or net effects of the narrative? How does it help or hinder the Awakening cause? Does it benefit the globohomos agenda? Damage it? What are the limitations of factual information in those narratives? Etc, and so forth.
Looking at the narrative events, and using them as a prism or lens to begin thinking about actual events and analyse what may or may not be happening behind the scenes... that's what the Q drops teach us to do. In the current Great Transition, from Great Sleepiness to Great Awakening, this approach seems like a very useful, if not powerful, way of engaging with the macro around us.
Questioning the Impact of Narrative Events
Often, a narrative event will happen - for example - Chyna Balloon floats over the USA for a bunch of days. Normies (and some anons) tend to react, while many anons will generally question what's going on. Normies react from a place of being in the matrix - e.g. freak out, fear, scorn for Brandon, etc. Anons who are more reactive than otherwise tend to do so from a more informed place, having at least seen behind the curtain that the matrix represents. Nonetheless, a portion of our community is still given to reactive responses. It's easier to leave the matrix than it is to remove the matrix within.
The challenge is to engage with events, both REAL events, when we can confidently identify them, and NARRATIVE events, without reacting. Instead, it's important to question and adopt a questioning attitude: Why? Who? What impact? What net effect? Effect on who? How does that event fit into the Great Awakening narrative? Into the Black Hat Cabal narrative? Deep State narrative, etc.
A Useful Assumption
One useful assumption here is that none of the real event information we get is reliable unless we obtain it first hand or it is conveyed to us on our local level. Why? Because 5th G warfare is psychological warfare, and everyone involved is building narratives. Sure, some of those narratives may actually be true, and others false, but either way, how do we know what's real? Unless we get the information first hand, or see the receipts, etc, it's useful to assume that all the information is disputable, potentially unreal and may not even be factual.
Having that assumption as a logical and mental starting point helps to tone down one's emotions and therefore reactions and reactioning responses. The response might be a positive emotional response "Hey, Pete Buttguy got arrested and has been placed in DOJ custody!" Response: "yay! About time!!!!" Or it might be a negative response: "Elon Musk just posted a picture of himself in a satanic costume!" Response: "See! I knew he was corrupt and a globalist. Definitely a black hat!"
But if you use the lens that interprets any information you are getting in terms of how much you can actually be sure it is a real event (based on evidence, logic, data, etc) and what sort of narrative event it creates, then you're much more likely to think about the ramifications of accepting the event as real and also much more likely to question: who is creating this narrative, and why? How does it affect me? Our community? The normies? The world? etc.
Narrative Spaces Are Like Psychological High Pressure and Low Pressure Systems
If a real event happens, but is not reported, that's a sort of negative or low-pressure narrative space (to utilize a meteorological analogy). "DJT's administration facilitated the most consequential Middle Eastern peace accords in decades". If the corporate media complex is silent on this, it creates a low pressure space that they will need to be filling with something that serves THEIR objectives. That's the conditions that generates "Look Here! Don't Look There!!!"
If a real event happens, and they need to acknowledge it or minimize it or spin it, to reduce the potential positive impact (for the White Hats) or damage to their objectives, they'll create a narrative event that serves that purpose, and attempt to limit the increase in Narrative Pressure or create a negatively charged High Pressure space. "DJT's peace accords were orchestrated by his agents, with ties to the Jewz, and they benefit Trump businesses"
Whether we can identify the real events or not, we can observe the narrative events being created by different actors/agents/parties: For example, white hats working with Trump, such as Flynn, Kash, Scavino, or even (possibly) Putin, Xi, etc, or the black hats seeking to enslave humanity, such as WEF and their minions, Leftists and Marxists, their corporate propaganda machines, etc. When we observe narrative events for what they are, we can begin to track the direction and flow of the fifth generation psychological warfare, and who is suffering setbacks, who is increasing their wins, etc.
Such a way of looking at the macro leads to (in my opinion) a much more grounded view, something similar to the 40,000 ft view, and this yields direct benefits to us and our loved ones.
We think better. We are less reactive and therefore less vulnerable to manipulation. Our emotions are healthier, and more appropriate. We make better decisions and choices with regards to the world. We have much more access to the inner resources we need to wage this war, and if we don't have such resources, we are prompted to begin finding and building them. Perhaps most importantly, our collective power is enhanced and increased, and we continue to march towards the tipping point of mass awakening.
At this stage of the Great Awakening, with more and more new anons coming on board and regular normies waking up, we should be open to the idea that HOW we think about and engage with the information coming at us is at least as important as WHAT information is coming at us, and possible at this time, MORE important.
When we adopt that attitude and approach, it empowers us to look inside and both modify and develop our internal skills and resources. That in turn activates and motivates our true inner capacity to engage with and also influence the world - both the real world and the narrative world - that we and our loved ones live and breathe in.
I like Timothy, chapters 2 and 3, they are also encouraging for warriors.