(In her bravest chipmunk/baby voice, but not in a "real" Q&A session) it'll be whatever her puppet masters tell her lt should be, in a few weeks, after they take samples, inject additional fake/ghost samples, harvest ("find") additional (non-toxic) samples, adjudicate some of the samples to determine what the samples "intended to be", and calculate the risk AZ-election-tabulation-style.
No data, report or other analytic documentation will be provided or made available as it'll be accurate, "because we (they) ARE the science," so we'll just need to, "trust the science, man."
"Coincidentally", the samples will be destroyed and or contaminated thereafter and anyone who questions the process, the personnel and/or the results will be arrested.
(In her bravest chipmunk/baby voice, but not in a "real" Q&A session) it'll be whatever her puppet masters tell her lt should be, in a few weeks, after they take samples, inject additional fake/ghost samples, harvest ("find") additional (non-toxic) samples, adjudicate some of the samples to determine what the samples "intended to be", and calculate the risk AZ-election-tabulation-style.
No data, report or other analytic documentation will be provided or made available as it'll be accurate, "because we (they) ARE the science," so we'll just need to, "trust the science, man."
"Coincidentally", the samples will be destroyed and or contaminated thereafter and anyone who questions the process, the personnel and/or the results will be arrested.