Read the comments. Cant believe these videos made it past censors and seem to be gaining traction. Be sure to read the comments on these videos:
And they are coming up back to back to back of red pilling videos. My son who has been annoyed with me because I dont just "let people live" in regards to the whole agenda going on with kids and transitioning for the first time didnt turn the radio on the way home from school when I was listening to a talk show.
The hosts were discussing how social media has played a part in kids BELIEVING they have mental health issues, specifically tourettes and how doctors are seeing more and more cases of kids mimicking people they have seen on tiktok and how it is really ruining the mental health of kids. My son didnt even turn to his tunes, which he normally will do, and even kept it on when they started discussing how the same methods being used on tiktok is what is creating a sharp increase in kids who think they have gender identity issues and that the real problem is that due to a lot of lockdowns and enforced social distancing kids across the nation faced for two years, some even longer, have created a selfish need for kids to take drastic measures to be the center of attention because they are lacking personal relationship skills.
Anyway, my son heard one of the above videos playing on my phone and he came out to tell me that he had been shown it at school and had seen it.
I prayed sooo hard last night for my husband and my son to wake up, to start seeing that I am not being over dramatic about things. I am hoping that this prayer of mine has been answered. The ride home without the radio station being changed when my son got into the car has given me a small glimmer of hope for him.
For the love of all that's holy, HOME SCHOOL