That study/simulation/prediction from the 70s said that 2020 was the year that humanity had to begin depopulation in order to prevent a Malthusian catastrophe. Kissinger and the other bigwigs still alive from that time were who created the depopulation plan. They’d been preparing for decades for the 2020 plan, it was just the year things have to go big to prevent human extinction (from their PoV). They have a timeline they want to follow xx percentage starting at 2020, yy percent by 2025 and by 2050 the plan is roughly accomplished.
Key idea: they’re operating under the belief that they are saving the world, and that they are thus allowed to do anything.
I think they control the politicians and other “leaders” with the Epstein type stuff, and they see these guys as necessary evils in order to pass the regulations they need, and control the businesses as they need. They learned from a study in 1980 that some 20% of congressman were straight up vulnerable to bribes and could be compromised, so starting roughly Reagan era onward they started replacing politicians with their compromised stooges - compromised in a variety of ways (bribes, power, intimidation) and if a politician in a key location couldn’t be compromised they offed them.
Shortages are on purpose - it slowly puts evolutionary pressure on the population as a whole, those who can’t get by affordably on remote jobs will die off by 2050, and those who can will roughly be the new worker class. The 15 minute city ideas are a way to enact control on the “useless” types that can’t make a living working remotely.
operating under the belief that they are saving the world
That's the most dangerous of evil. Not evil for evil's sake, but instead doing what they view as right.
In literature, they also make for the most dangerous villains.
Zealotry is scary in any form. Religious, political, scientific, dietary, legal... Doesn't matter. When a person doesn't leave room for reason, critical thinking, and compassion, they can do some very despicable things.
This is what I think.
That study/simulation/prediction from the 70s said that 2020 was the year that humanity had to begin depopulation in order to prevent a Malthusian catastrophe. Kissinger and the other bigwigs still alive from that time were who created the depopulation plan. They’d been preparing for decades for the 2020 plan, it was just the year things have to go big to prevent human extinction (from their PoV). They have a timeline they want to follow xx percentage starting at 2020, yy percent by 2025 and by 2050 the plan is roughly accomplished.
Key idea: they’re operating under the belief that they are saving the world, and that they are thus allowed to do anything.
I think they control the politicians and other “leaders” with the Epstein type stuff, and they see these guys as necessary evils in order to pass the regulations they need, and control the businesses as they need. They learned from a study in 1980 that some 20% of congressman were straight up vulnerable to bribes and could be compromised, so starting roughly Reagan era onward they started replacing politicians with their compromised stooges - compromised in a variety of ways (bribes, power, intimidation) and if a politician in a key location couldn’t be compromised they offed them.
Shortages are on purpose - it slowly puts evolutionary pressure on the population as a whole, those who can’t get by affordably on remote jobs will die off by 2050, and those who can will roughly be the new worker class. The 15 minute city ideas are a way to enact control on the “useless” types that can’t make a living working remotely.
That's the most dangerous of evil. Not evil for evil's sake, but instead doing what they view as right.
In literature, they also make for the most dangerous villains.
Zealotry is scary in any form. Religious, political, scientific, dietary, legal... Doesn't matter. When a person doesn't leave room for reason, critical thinking, and compassion, they can do some very despicable things.