Um, NATO? This Washington Post headline says "Ukraine's rocket campaign reliant on US precision targeting".That's YOU guys, feeding GPS coordinates to the HIMARS missiles we gave Ukraine. And on Jan. 28th, a hospital in Novoyadar was targeted killing 14. That's a WAR CRIME. (see top comment)

This is a pre-war WW1 or WW2 or Vietnam scenario where US involvement is creeping toward open hostility. All we need is a false flag to emulate the sinking of the Lusitania or a Pearl Habor or a Gulf of Tonkin. We've seen this scenario so many times in the 20th century.
Edit: This is the real strategy behind the Ukranian flag being "the current thing" on Twitter and in the MSM. The past year has been an attempted campaign to garner US popular support for going to war with Russia. This also explains the fake stories about Russia suffering massive losses. It was so US citizens would believe we'd be declaring war on a depleted Russian military.
I agree but note that whether depleted or not even Putin has acknowledged there is no way Russia could beat NATO in a conventional war.
This is what makes it so dangerous, Russia would have no choice but to use the nukes if it wanted even a chance of surviving the war and we all know what happens after that.