A quick thank you. You guys got me through the scamdemic
You Frens got me through the hardest part of my life. Since I was last on here, I got a decent job and really don't have the time to contribute.
I know we are all just a bunch of strangers, but you all were there for me when I needed people to talk to.
Some of you may very well have saved 5+ lives by helping me to find the statistics showing them not to get the jab. Without a community like this, I do believe I would have been one of the sheep just rolling along with what I was told to do.
Thank you all for your help and knowledge.
I think the reality will be more than 5 or 6 in the long run. Seeing so many now have fertility issues, I am worried that many will never have children of their own. Their family lines could end, and that's a curse. I keep praying that anyone who has been affected by the jabs will seek God and ask for healing, and that He will grant it to all who ask and turn away from any future evil that the traitors to humanity may attempt to dish out. Let them fall into all of their own traps they are setting for the innocent around the world.