Are there any supplements anyone else is familiar with that I can take besides this? My low is to low and my high is to high, according to them. I’ve looked at my daily foods and can hardly find anything that has cholesterol in it, other than milk. Could I lose 5-8 lbs, sure..would that make a difference?
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Lipitor,... that shit is a bunch of BS. If you are worried about your cholesterol, take a blood calcification test. When Lipitor first came out, my dr. Told me that my good was too low and my bad was too high and I should try “this new product”. Sent me home with a sample given to him by a rep from the company.
I went home, stared at the brown bag of samples, and threw it away,.... stopped going to my doctor too. That was probably 20 years ago or so.
Fast forward to today, I recently went to a local frontline practitioner. They suggested we take the calcification blood test to see if any arteries and veins might be getting clogged (I.e. calcified) as a precaution (practitioner stated, that everyone should be doing this as a baseline test). Got my results back, on a scale between 0-300, I scored a 1. Practitioner said she never has seen someone with such a low number.
I sat there and told her about the Lipitor story and was shocked by her response. She told me she remembers when Lipitor first came out, the CDC had “just updated their good/bad cholesterol numbers” (bad numbers lower and good numbers higher), which conveniently worked very well for prescribing this new miracle drug. She remembered that all doctors where handing it out like candy.
I felt like I dodged a serious bullet. That doctor 20 years ago told me I would probably be on cholesterol medicine for the rest of my life.
Btw, I never changed my diet or anything. The Whole story reminded me of the painkiller Docudrama with Michael Keaton- Dopesick.
Sounds right. I stopped all medications because one, they were making me gain weight, two they caused muscle pain, and three because it's my body and I've learned how to take care of it myself. Vitamins, supplements, herbs and keeping fit. That's all it took for me.