Paul in the Bible spent a good deal of time in jail for his beliefs not unlike the Jan 6 political prisoners. He wrote a lot of the new testament from jail. He found hope and gratitude through Christ. His faith never waivered, if anything his faith was strengthened. I pray that the Jan 6 prisoners are comforted by the Holy Spirit and find some measure of peace in the darkness. God makes a way for good in all bad situations and although he is merciful and loving he is also just. The baddies should be very afraid.
Paul in the Bible spent a good deal of time in jail for his beliefs not unlike the Jan 6 political prisoners. He wrote a lot of the new testament from jail. He found hope and gratitude through Christ. His faith never waivered, if anything his faith was strengthened. I pray that the Jan 6 prisoners are comforted by the Holy Spirit and find some measure of peace in the darkness. God makes a way for good in all bad situations and although he is merciful and loving he is also just. The baddies should be very afraid.