Just started connecting the dots, the white hats and white hats of the military are in open armed conflict on our soil (see the NC power station attacks). The signs will grow as it escelates and we need to make sure we are not following the smoke and mirrors instead of the real action. We are the news.
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Gun grab shills are active on Twitter. Every new mass shooting they are out in force.
Its just going to get more and more crucial for them to remove the guns from the equation. If the agenda is 2030 or sooner as they panic and move it forward, they need to increase their ff ops and msm mind control to push the mental disordered minions into a screaming cacophony of take the guns. Then as usual they use this minority opinion and amplify it over thier controlled media to try to convince us its a majority opinion to attempt to push those on the fence or slightly right of the issue to the left. Once they pull the plug and xiden passes some unconstitutional EO to ban all weapons they will paint any resistance as a small white supremist far right group, label then domestic terrorist , and throw the full weight of 3 letter agencies at them. MSM will hide any evidence of the majority speaking out and they will attempt to paint it as small minority as well. Only when the entire shit show goes full south will all realize they lit the fuse of the quite majority and that red line was crossed.
At least thats my opinion of how it might play out IF it was allowed to continue down that path.