Maybe the water has been poisoned all along. Its the most likely route for delivering WMD's like COVID. Perhaps by forcing people to start drinking CLEAN water, it will save lives. Just a thought.
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FLUORIDE get down that rabbit hole and rabbit hole with all vaccines and it'll become clear they're openly trying to harm us and ultimately kill us via cancers and inability to procreate
It's probably fine for brushing on your teeth...
.. I don't know why ingesting it is considered a good idea though.
You do ingest when brushing your teeth. There are other means of ingesting other than swallowing.
Well yes, obviously lol. Also, "phrasing?", kek.
But seriously, I've always figured swishing a dilute amount around your gums every 6 months at your dental visit isn't the same as drinking it in your water every day.
I could be totally wrong though. I'm neither a dentist nor an accomplished chemist. I imagine it's like nicotine. It's not healthy to snus or dip but I do once in a while. It's probably even less healthy to eat and swallow a tin of Skoal every day... Again I dunno, maybe it's the same - never tried.