Personally, I don't think it would go down that way and I think Phil is a shill. But apparently 16.7M people watched/heard his live podcast in which he read the transcript that had been provided to him, and that he had been authorized to share.
Even if fake, 16.7M now have it in the back of their minds that Trump will someday say something.
In my opinion, it would not be Trump delivering the first message; it would have to be the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Then they can introduce Trump. Otherwise too many people will not believe it because "Orange man bad".
Anyway... thoughts about Phil and his transcript?
Here's the link... go to the 40 minute mark.
Ps... I'm not a listener of his... a friend shared this with me, so I thought I'd see what fellow Anons thought.
Synopsis or provide a time stamp for the transcript please
Even at 2x speed I gave up. Claims that Trump was to release a statement prior to the Stupor Bowl but didn't (I couldn't get myself to listen to the point where he explains why) Magically Fraudlewski was given a transcript of the statement and he reads said statement. Basically it is like the early Q drops "My fellow Americans . . . EAS will be used . . . " Couldn't get myself to listen to more. His "acting" about how scary? Surprising? Unnerving ? the statement is annoyed me (lots of deep breathes, pauses, etc.)
pretty lazy of you... did you read what I posted?