Head of Turkish Space Agency: "Titanium rods from space caused the earthquake"
Serdar Hossein Yildirim, the president of the Turkish Space Agency, has offered a new theory about how or who caused the devastating earthquake in Turkey on February 6.
Yildirim explained that earthquakes are caused by satellites in space dropping titanium rods into the ground
“There are military satellites that can send 10 meter titanium alloy rods from Space to any target! These rods penetrate to a depth of 5 kilometers into the ground, creating an earthquake of magnitude 7-8 on the Richter scale. It is not possible to trace them," he said.
FTA (in Greek): https://www.pronews.gr/amyna-asfaleia/toyrkia/epikefalis-tourkikis-diastimikis-ypiresias-ton-seismo-prokalesan-ravdoi-titaniou-apo-to-diastima/
In the fog of war it’s tough to say what the objective may have been other than a display of power. One thing I know is that whatever our msm says in the immediate aftermath is likely untrue.
What’s the simplest explanation for the accusations being made and the evidence which includes explosion prequake and suspicious us ship within range? Being on a fault line just helps the quake be worse.
Seriously with this?? So shooting a metal rod from space supposedly causes said rod to penetrate 3+ miles into the Earth? Fucking bullshit. Eyes off the prize, that's exactly what this equates to.
Nikola Tesla proved that a small input of a resonant frequency can cause infinite destruction. No titanium rods needed. This amounts to a squirrel running in front of a dog, don't give it any weight.
If your paying attention so far then your eyes have witnessed the destruction of the twin towers, or shall I say dustification of them. The cognitive impairment required to agree that shooting a titanium rod from space creates earthquakes is the same defective process that accepts that a skyscraper vaporizes when an airplane hits it.
If anyone here doesn't know what the fuck I'm saying here then go research the shit. The same weapon used on 911 is the same weapon used in the Christmas fires.... Think California where trees and bushes didn't burn but houses, cars, street poles and anything metal literally lit on fire and fucking melted.
No matter what their means of doing so we can agree here, there is a concerted effort by some power on this planet to cause utter destruction and chaos in order to destroy the greatest civilization in history in order to reshape it into a power structure that puts them securely in the seat of power for eternity.
God Wins, they know it, but it's not going to stop them from trying.
End of rant.
Carry On!!!
Then why aren’t foreign leaders making accusations that a directed energy weapon was used?
A senator in Romania did.