Biden Signs Executive Order to Root Out
Systemic Racism from Federal Government
National Review, by Ari Blaff
Posted By: Dreadnought, 2/17/2023 11:39:33 AM
President Joe Biden signed an executive order Thursday aimed at rooting out systemic racism from the federal government and doing more to achieve racial equity. The order, made in the middle of Black History month, extends an order Biden made on his first day in office requiring federal agencies to investigate inequities within their departments and to proactively address shortcomings. That is now an annual requirement. The aim is to deliver “equitable outcomes” for all Americans, including underserved communities, through government policies, programs, and services.
Disappointed to read the description. From the headline, I thought we would get rid of ALL racist behavior including special privileges based on pre-judgment (that would be = prejudice)
I work in gov't 30 years, if your not in the click, you go no were, but out the door!