posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +38 / -0

And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. — Exodus 14:21-22

There are many times that life presents us with challenges. I doubt that one person reading this has gone through life without facing any difficulties. We know that difficulties are part of life and can have a wide range of circumstances.

For example, some difficulties may be with sickness, finances, jobs, family, or many other things. A lot of the difficulties we face are common life difficulties. Then, there are times when life gives you significant challenges and difficulties.

These situations come, and you find yourself facing circumstances where there seems to be no way out. Sure, these can fall into those different areas I described before, but they are different. Often, they lead to words being said like, “there’s no way I can deal with this.” Or perhaps you have said or heard the words, “I can’t make it through this.”

I often think about what was going through the mind of the children of Israel as they stood in front of the Red Sea. The enemy they faced was bearing down on them, and they truly saw no way to go forward. But God, through an amazing miracle, made a way forward through their situation. They made it to the other side.

What are you facing today that seems insurmountable? Is the enemy drawing close? Are the circumstance you face preventing you from seeing a way forward? Don’t forget what God can do! He is able to make a way when there seems to be no way. Don’t lose faith. Put all your trust in God, the one who can do amazing and marvelous things!

Jared Dyson

Another Well Ministries