Trailer for a movie, or somesort of editing experiment. I suggest this because there aren't people who can move 280mph and pick up someone without causing as-much injury as a car at 40mph would. This superhero would have just killed her with the intervention.
I estimated the speed by guessing 5metres per frame, 25fps = just under 280mph. Even at lower speeds the acceleration of the child would cause catastrophic injury.
Trailer for a movie, or somesort of editing experiment. I suggest this because there aren't people who can move 280mph and pick up someone without causing as-much injury as a car at 40mph would. This superhero would have just killed her with the intervention.
I estimated the speed by guessing 5metres per frame, 25fps = just under 280mph. Even at lower speeds the acceleration of the child would cause catastrophic injury.
The supernatural is....kinda supernatural I would think.
What are we doing here?
This is clearly digital manipulation. What purpose does this serve to post here?
It builds faith in our OMNIPOTENT GOD. Who WAS and IS and is to COME.