Great Awakening in Church
My church has been discussing revival and Great awakenings lately. I'm just curious how many others are part of a church talking the same way?
Hopefully he is the same to me as who he is to all who call upon his name -- The eternal Son of God who set aside his glory to become man, the form of a servant, to perfectly fulfill all terms of the Law on behalf of us Law-breakers, who suffered for his obedience to the Father to the point of a shameful death and burial under the curse of God that should have been ME... and being the only Righteous One he rose from the dead, conquered death and gave me, a poor sinner, the right and title to eternal life and eternal fellowship with the Father, through the Son, by the Spirit, because of his righteous act that reversed everything that separated us from God (Romans 5).
Hopefully? What do u mean by this.