If I had to guess James got busted banging some intern, they paid her hush money, and Veritas agreed to have James leave quietly.
Really. Just purely by concidence, this happens IMMEDIATELY after he spectacularly confronts Phyzer O'Blackphag, who'd just spilled his guts about the company deliberately mutating viruses to sicken more people and sell more p$eudovaccine$. "It'$ a CA$H COW for u$!"
Really. Just purely by concidence, this happens IMMEDIATELY after he spectacularly confronts Phyzer O'Blackphag, who'd just spilled his guts about the company deliberately mutating viruses to sicken more people and sell more p$eudovaccine$. "It'$ a CA$H COW for u$!"
JuSt A CoiNkYdiNk