Generally speaking, we believe that the precipice must be reached so that more people are awakened.
We don't know what the precipice is, though. And, it seems like more and more bad things are happening (or at least being reported).
Is today the precipice? Was yesterday, or a month ago? Or not for another few months? How will we know it when we have arrived at it?
What I'm getting at is the fact that we are aware of it, like we're watching a movie that we know the end to, but we don't know how long the movie runs, or the twists and turns of the plot--nor do we know the exact ending, other than that we win. And this results in a different kind of frustration and possibly anxiety, one that takes a toll on us mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc. And, that is why this board is so important--it is a place where we can vent, support one another and be ONE as we continue the work of helping to foster the great awakening.
Our challenge is to help normies awaken, and while doing that we have to endure already being awakened, meaning that sometimes ignorance of evil is a form of bliss--but such bliss is no longer possible when you're awakened... sort of like unplugging from the matrix--you are glad to know the Truth, but you might miss your easy life inside the matrix, unaware of the Cabal and the spiritual warfare being waged.
This is a lonely journey for many of us. Some of us have been ridiculed by the ones we love. Some of us have walked away from it (and come back). Some of us have remained no matter what. Some of us have helped others draw closer to God, or have done so ourselves.
For me, I struggle with self-doubt. I will admit that the thought of "What if none of what I have been explaining ever comes to pass?" has been in the back of my mind. And then I realize that what others think about me and my "crazy conspiracy crap" is not what defines me. The Truth is the Truth, and being aware of it and aligned with it gives me the strength I need to endure.
We each have our own challenges, and strengths, and sources of motivation, etc. This journey with Q and the Anon community has brought these into focus for each of us. That, in and of itself, is one form of personal awakening and it helps us to stay the course.
How about you? How are you doing? What gives you the strength to stay the course?
Sure thing... I've been picked up by others so many times, here.